Product Catalogue
Manage the products and offers of your credit portfolio.
In the Product Catalogue section, will find a unique sub-section: Products and offers.
Products and offers
In the Product Catalogue section, you can find the total number of products and offers configured in the platform to date, the map of offers and products with product profiles. These profiles are composed of the product name, the number of offers within the product, the offers belonging to the product and a button to view the details of the offers. The credit product offers are those that the client makes available for users to apply for. It is possible that the definition may vary according to the business rules of the project.
If you want to get more details about the product, you can click on any field in the list or on the See detail option, a new window will open with the product profile information. Here, you can find the list information, offer information and general product settings.
Offer section list
- Offer Name: Name configured by the administrator user when creating the offer.
- Offer ID: Unique identifier of the offer created; this will be important for refinancing options when creating the ticket.
- Date created: Date the offer was created
- Date modified: Date on which the offer was edited as the default interest at the usury rate of the applicable country.
- Status: Status of the offer and determines whether credits can be issued to users under this offer.
- Type: Type of offer, either for refinancing or an offer that will serve as a standard offer. At the time of refinancing a loan, only offers that are refinancing offers will serve as a standard offer.
To see more details of the offers, you can click on any field in the list or select See detail in the list, this will redirect you to the next screen where you will find the following information:
Offer Profile
To see more details of the offer, you can click on any field in the list or select See detail in the list, this will redirect you to the offer profile where you will find the following information:
Within the offer profile you will find an offer simulator that will help you to simulate the conditions of a credit offer.
By clicking on the "Simulator" the user will be able to see what the ideal payment plan for a loan issued with the current offer configuration would look like, the user must follow the following steps to see the information:
The following pop up will be displayed with the following fields:
Step 1: Capital (Mandatory): the user must enter a value that is within the allowed values configured in the product.
Step 2: Other (Optional): Other value to be simulated as an extra cost.
Step3: Number of installment (Mandatory): Number of installments to be simulated, must be among the values configured in the offer.
When you click the "Continue" button, a pop-up window will appear with the payment plan and the provided data. This simulator will be helpful to guide a customer when they want to refinance a loan.
Offer creation
In the product profile you will find the button "Create new offer" by selecting this button you will be redirected to the screen where you can create a new offer for the product you are in.
Step 1 / General settings: Enter the requested information in each of the fields, it is mandatory to enter all the requested data for the creation of the offer, otherwise the "Save" button will not be activated, after saving the information the Save button will change to "Edit" to edit the information if desired.
Step 2 / Repayment logic: In this section you will be able to configure the payment logic for the offer you are creating, you must enter the requested information in each of the fields to activate the "Save" button. After saving the information the Save button will change to "Edit" to edit the information if desired.
Step 3 / Charges: In this section you will be able to configure the charges that should be applied to the offer being created, you must enter the requested information in each of the fields to activate the "Save" button. After saving the information two options will be displayed "Edit" to edit the information and "Remove charge" if you want to remove the charge created.
This section has tabs on the right side of each module to expand or collapse the information and thus facilitate the search for each module of the positions being configured. It also has a simple description of each option to make it easier to understand.
Step 4 / Costs: In this section you will be able to configure the additional costs that should apply to the offer, you must enter the requested information in each of the fields to activate the "Save" button after saving the information, two options will be displayed "Edit" to edit the information and "Delete cost" if you want to delete the cost created. Once the cost has been created the option to add a new cost will appear "Add new cost".
Step 5 / Configuration: In this section you will be able to choose how interest will be generated and the priority to be applied to cover the charges included in the offer. Selecting the "Save and continue" button will keep the offer in draft until you decide to publish it.
After selecting "Save and continue" the offer will be displayed with the summary of all its configuration, if you agree with the information, you can select the "Publish" button to make the configured offer public.
Updated 10 months ago