Lender reports

This section contains reports for the lender to review and oversee their entire operation.

1. Loans

Periodicity: daily

Field nameDescription
LOAN_IDUnique UUID for each loan.
LOAN_REFERENCEUnique shorter ID for loan.
EXTERNAL_LOANAn identifier used to refer to a loan in an external system.
CUSTOMER_IDUnique ID for each customer.
CUSTOMER_REFERENCEUnique shorter ID for customer.
EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER_IDAn identifier used to refer to a user in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_EXTERNAL_IDAn identifier used to refer to a aggregator in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_NAMEName of the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_IDUnique ID for the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_GROUP_IDUnique ID for the aggregator group of the aggregator.
OFFER_IDUnique ID for the associated offer.
OFFER_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for the associated offer.
OFFER_NAMEName of the credit offer.
LOAN_AMOUNTAmount requested by the customer.
LOAN_STATUSCurrent loan status: Active, Paid, Cancelled, Frozen, Lost, in dispute
NUMBER_INSTALLMENTSNumber of loan installments.
INSTALMENT_FRECUENCYInstallment frecuency.
INTEREST_RATEInterest rate (APR).
ADMIN_COSTAdministration cost amount.
REMAININGValue add by the user in a refinance process
TAKEN_ATLoan request date.
DISBURSED_ATLoan activation date.
MAXIMUM_PAYMENT_DATEMaximum payment date.
PRODUCT_IDUnique ID for the associated product.
PRODUCT_REFERENCE_IDUnique reference ID for the associated product.
PRODUCT_NAMEName of the product.
CURRENCYMonetary unit used for credits, indicating the type of money (e.g., USD, EUR) accepted within the product

2. Payments

Periodicity: daily

Field nameDescription
PAYMENT_IDUnique ID for payment.
PAYMENT_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for payment.
PAYMENT_EXTERNAL_IDAn identifier used to refer to a payment in an external system.
LOAN_IDUnique ID for each loan.
LOAN_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for loan.
CUSTOMER_IDUnique ID for each customer.
CUSTOMER_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for customer.
EXTERNAL_LOAN_IDAn identifier used to refer to a loan in an external system.
EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER_IDAn identifier used to refer to a user in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_EXTERNAL_IDAn identifier used to refer to a aggregator in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_NAMEName of the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_IDUnique ID for the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for aggregator.
PAYMENT_TYPEType of payment: voluntary or automatic.
PAYMENT_STATUSCurrent payment status: Successful, Processing, Rejected.
TOTAL_AMOUNTTotal payment amount.
CAPITAL_AMOUNTCapital payment amount.
INTEREST_AMOUNTInterest payment amount.
TAX_AMOUNTTax payment amount.
DEFAULT_INTEREST_AMOUNTDefault interest payment amount.
COLLECTION_COST_AMOUNTAdministration cost payment amount.
ADMIN_COST_AMOUNTCollection cost payment amount.
LOAN_HEALTH_STATUSCurrent loan health status: Up to-date, 1 overdue instalment, 1+ overdue installments, Over maximum payment date, Bad debt.
PAYMENT_DATEPayment date.
TAKEN_ATLoan request date.
DISBURSED_ATLoan activation date.
PRODUCT_IDUnique ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_REFERENCE_IDUnique reference ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_NAMEName of the product.
CURRENCYMonetary unit used for credits, indicating the type of money (e.g., USD, EUR) accepted within the product

3. Balance

Periodicity: daily

Field nameDescription
LOAN_IDUnique ID for each loan.
LOAN_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for loan
EXTERNAL_LOAN_IDAn identifier used to refer to a loan in an external system.
CUSTOMER_IDUnique ID for each customer.
CUSTOMER_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for customer.
EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER_IDAn identifier used to refer to a user in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_EXTERNAL_IDAn identifier used to refer to a aggregator in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_NAMEName of the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_IDUnique ID for the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for aggregator.
LOAN_TERTerm of the loan
LOAN_STATUSCurrent loan status: Active, Paid,Cancelled, Frozen, Lost
PAYMENT_FRECUENCYHow is the frecuency when a user have to paid their loan
NUMBER_INSTALLMENTSNumber of installments choosed by the user
LOAN_HEALTH_STATUSHealth status: Up to-date, 1 overdue instalment, 1+ overdue instalment, past due date, bad debt
LOAN_AMOUNTAmount requested by the customer.
TOTAL_DEBTTotal debt amount.
CAPITAL_DEBTTotal amount owed in capital.
INTEREST_DEBTTotal amount owed in interests.
TAX_DEBTTotal amount owed in taxes.
DEFAULT_INTEREST_DEBTTotal amount owed in overdue interests.
COLLECTION_COST_DEBTTotal amount owed in collection costs.
COST_DEBTTotal amount owed in costs.
REMAINING_DEBTValue add by the user in a refinance process
MAXIMUM_PAYMENT_DATEMaximum payment date.
TAKEN_ATLoan request date.
DISBURSED_ATLoan activation date.
PRODUCT_IDUnique ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_REFERENCE_IDUnique reference ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_NAMEName of the product.
CURRENCYMonetary unit used for credits, indicating the type of money (e.g., USD, EUR) accepted within the product

4. Past due

Periodicity: daily

This report only includes loans that are currently overdue

Field nameDescription
LOAN_IDUnique ID for each loan.
LOAN_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for loan.
EXTERNAL_LOAN_IDAn identifier used to refer to a loan in an external system.
CUSTOMER_IDUnique ID for each customer.
CUSTOMER_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for customer.
EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER_IDAn identifier used to refer to a user in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_EXTERNAL_IDAn identifier used to refer to a aggregator in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_NAMEName of the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_IDUnique ID for the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_GROUP_IDUnique ID of the group of aggregators where the merchants are associated
OFFER_IDUnique ID for the associated offer
LOAN_STATUSCurrent loan status: Active, Paid,Cancelled, Frozen, Lost
LOAN_TERMTerm of the loan
PAYMENT_FRECUENCYHow is the frecuency when a user have to paid their loan
NUMBER_INSTALLMENTSNumber of installments choosed by the user
LOAN_HEALTH_STATUSHealth status: Up to-date, 1 overdue instalment, 1+ overdue instalment, past due date, bad debt
LOAN_AMOUNTAmount requested by the customer
TOTAL_DEBTTotal debt amount.
CAPITAL_DEBTTotal amount owed in capital.
INTEREST_DEBTTotal amount owed in interests.
TAX_DEBTTotal amount owed in taxes.
DEFAULT_INTEREST_DEBTTotal amount owed in overdue interests.
COLLECTION_COST_DEBTTotal amount owed in collection costs.
COST_DEBTTotal amount owed in administration costs.
LAST_PAYMENT_DATEDate of last payment.
MAXIMUM_PAYMENT_DATEMaximum payment date.
TAKEN_ATLoan request date.
DISBURSED_ATLoan activation date.
PRODUCT_IDUnique ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_REFERENCE_IDUnique reference ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_NAMEName of the product.
CURRENCYMonetary unit used for credits, indicating the type of money (e.g., USD, EUR) accepted within the product

5. Refinance

Field nameDescription
CUSTOMER_IDUnique ID for each customer.
CUSTOMER_REFERENCEUnique shorter ID for customer.
EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER_IDAn identifier used to refer to a user in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_NAMEName of the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_REFERENCEUnique reference ID for the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_EXTERNAL_IDAn identifier used to refer to a aggregator in an external system.
AGGREGATOR_IDUnique ID for the aggregator where the purchase took place.
AGGREGATOR_GROUP_IDUnique ID for the aggregator group of the aggregator.
EXTERNAL_ID_PREVIOUS_LOANAn identifier used to refer to the old loan in an external system
LOAN_ID_PREVIOUS_LOANAn identifier used to refer to the old loan in the system (UUID)
REFERENCE_ID_PREVIOUS_LOANAn identifier used to refer to the old loan in the system with less digits.
EXTERNAL_ID_CURRENT_LOANAn identifier used to refer to the new loan in an external system.
LOAN_ID_CURRENT_LOANAn identifier used to refer to the new loan in the system (UUID)
REFERENCE_ID_CURRENT_LOANAn identifier used to refer to the new loan in the system with less digits.
OFFER_ID_PREVIOUS_LOANUnique ID for the associated offer.
OFFER_REFERENCE_PREVIOUS_LOANUnique reference ID for the associated offer.
OFFER_NAME_PREVIOUS_LOANName of the credit offer.
OFFER_IDUnique reference ID for the associated offer.
OFFER_NAMEName of the credit offer.
TOTAL_AMOUNT_PREVIOUSThe full previous amount (interest, taxes, cost, remaining….)
CAPITAL_PREVIOUSThe previous capital amount
TOTAL_CHARGES_PREVIOUSThe full charges amount of the previous credit (interest, taxes, cost….)
TOTAL_AMOUNTThe full amount (interest, taxes, cost, remaining….)
CAPITALThe new capital amount
TOTAL_CHARGESThe full charges amount (interest, taxes, cost, remaining….)
REFINANCE_DATEThe date on which a refinaced was approved by the customer.

6. Debit note

Field nameDescription
LOAN_IDUnique UUID for each loan.
LOAN_REFERENCEUnique shorter ID for loan.
EXTERNAL_LOAN_IDAn identifier used to refer to a loan in an external system.
TOTAL_AMOUNTThe full amount including taxes of the debit note
CAPITALThe capital amount of the debit note
COSTThe cost amount of the debit note
COST_TAXThe tax associated with the cost amount of the debit note
INTERESTThe interest amount of the debit note
INTEREST_TAXThe interest tax amount of the debit note
DEFAULT_INTERESTThe default interest amount of the debit note
DEFAULT_INTEREST_TAXThe tax associated with the default interest amount of the debit note
COLLECTION_COSTThe collection cost amount of the debit note
COLLECTION_COST_TAXThe collection cost tax amount of the debit note
DATEThe date on which a purchase was created.
ADVANCEThe Value that surpass the credit amount
PRODUCT_IDUnique ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_REFERENCE_IDUnique reference ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_NAMEName of the product.
CURRENCYMonetary unit used for credits, indicating the type of money (e.g., USD, EUR) accepted within the product

7. Credit note

Field nameDescription
LOAN_IDUnique UUID for each loan.
LOAN_REFERENCEUnique shorter ID for loan.
EXTERNAL_LOAN_IDAn identifier used to refer to a loan in an external system.
TOTAL_AMOUNTThe full amount including taxes of the credit note
CAPITALThe capital amount of the credit note
COSTThe cost amount of the credit note
COST_TAXThe tax associated with the cost amount of the credit note
INTERESTThe interest amount of the credit note
INTEREST_TAXThe interest tax amount of the credit note
DEFAULT_INTERESTThe default interest amount of the credit note
DEFAULT_INTEREST_TAXThe tax associated with the default interest amount of the credit note
COLLECTION_COSTThe collection cost amount of the credit note
COLLECTION_COST_TAXThe collection cost tax amount of the credit note
DATEThe date on which a purchase was created.
PRODUCT_IDUnique ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_REFERENCE_IDUnique reference ID for the associated product
PRODUCT_NAMEName of the product.
CURRENCYMonetary unit used for credits, indicating the type of money (e.g., USD, EUR) accepted within the product